Funstuff by Lynda Hand Painted "The EFF Bomb" Themed Mugs

Our range of "EFF" word mugs used in a humorous way!

300mL Porcelain Latte Mug - Various designs

Eff Bomb Themed Mugs

Someone Said I Swear Too...
Someone Said I Swear Too Much Mug The ULTIMATE in our Eff-Bomb range!
Play a Game of Fuck...
Let's Play a Game of Fuck Off... You Go First! Mug We all love to play games!
Wish I Was A Unicorn......
Wish I Was A Unicorn... so I could stab people with my head! Mug Because there are those annoying people...
Fuck I'm Awesome Mug
Fuck I'm Awesome Mug The perfect gift for that Awesome person!
Fuck Off I Have Enough...
Fuck Off I Have Enough Friends Mug Let everyone now how popular you really are!
Fuck I'm Fabulous Mug
Fuck I'm Fabulous Mug The perfect gift for that Fabulous person!
Fuck Everything Mug
Fuck Did I Just Say Shit Mug$AU24.99 each We've all done it... and this mug says it again with No...
Fuck Did I Just Say...
Fuck Did I Just Say Shit Mug We've all done it... and this mug says it again with No Seriously!...
What Do We Want? A Cure for Tourette's! Believe it or not, a gentleman with Tourette's told us how to...
